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The Lute Calendar /Eisenhand CD/ Alvaret CD /Albus CD / J. Dowland: Seven Songs / J.S. Bach: Cello Suites / Moondances / Lautenthal /



Videos in full lenght on You Tube:

Franz Schubert 13 Songs from "WINTERREISE" Op. 89, 1827 and S.O.L.: Three Sonatas, Op. 43 - 45 (2019)
Presented in three sessions: 1st. Part, 2nd. Part, and 3rd. Part.

"24 PRELUDES" Op. 20 (1997 - 2017) 1:27:35

John Dowland "SEVEN SONGS AND A GALLIARD" (2012) 36:58

J.S. Bach "6 SUITES A VIOLONCELLO SOLO" for Theorbo Solo (2011)

BWV 1007 / BWV 1008 / BWV 1009 / BWV 1010 / BWV 1011 / BWV 1012


"DER LAUTENTHALER " (2009) 1:04:51

"TROLL EYES " (2008) 25:51

"THE LUTE CALENDAR" Winter (2005) 1:10:24

"GUDASAGA" (2003 / 04) 3:01:15

"ALVARET" (2002) 1:16:15

"DER CID " Op. 29 (2001) 1:10:54

"ALBUS" Op. 26 (2000) 1:08:28

"EISENHAND" (1997) 59:01



Große Oper in 2 bis 5 Akten


Christian Friedrich Grabbe
1801 - 1836

Beim Cid handelt es sich um einen hoch elaborierten Theatertext, in dem mit größter Detailgenauigkeit alles, was nach den ästhetischen Regeln der Zeit gegen den Kunstbegriff verstößt ins Positive gewendet ist. Nicht im Sinne einer "verkehrten Welt", die ja nur wieder auf ihr "richtiges" Gegenbild verweisen würde, sondern im Sinne einer selbst grotesk gewordenen Wirklichkeit. Unter dem Vorwand der Opernparodie entwirft Grabbe das Modell eines absurden Theaters, das alle Sinnfragen und -antworten von sich weist.

Kurt Jauslin aus "Der Cid" Aisthesis Archiv Band 12. Bielefeld 2009. Herausgegeben von Detlev Kopp.


Stefan Olof Lundgren
Op. 29 (2001)


Cid / Tenor, Chimene / Sopran, Finella / Alt, König / Baß, Burgmüller / Baß, Korrektor / Baß, Rellstab / Baß, Gubitz / Tenor, Graf Platen / Tenor, Meierbeer / Tenor, Friedrich von Raumer / Tenor, Jussuf / Baß, Albini / Baß, Ellrich / Baß, Wolfram / Tenor, Zwei Totengräber / Baß, Zwei Juden / Baß, Zwei Bauernjungs / Sopran, Nachtwächter / Baß, Chor / SATB


2 Flöten (2. auch Piccolo). Oboe (auch Eng. Horn), Klarinette in B (auch Baßklarinette in B), Fagott, Horn in F, Trompete in B, Kornett, Posaune, Tuba, Pauken, Große Trommel, Triangel, Holzblock, Becken, Gong, Akkordeon, Harfe, Xylophone, Vibraphone, Streicher.

Es spielen:

Sibelius Virtual Orchestra

(Sibelius Notensatz-Software)

Am Taktstock:

Norbert Burgmüller

1. Saragossa. Saal im Schloß

2. Schlachtfeld bei Toledo

3. Baumgarten vor Chimenes Schloß

4. Cid in seinem Zelt

5. Chimenes Zimmer

6. Bei Cadiz

7. Saal in Chimenes Schloß

8. Die Szene ist ungewiß wie Volgers Geographie

8.b oder bäh, wegen der Schafe

9. Finale





In the old Icelandic Edda manuscripts you can read about gods, giants and trolls. In their world nothing is impossible. The old Norse mythology of Odin, Thor, Idun, Freya, Aegir, Loki and many others is narrated in electronic sounds by Stefan Olof Lundgren.
Translation by Margaret Hiley.

Chapter One

1. Niflheim: cold, fog and ice. Muspelheim: fire, flames and smoke. 2:18
2. In the great chasm separating these two irreconcilable places the giant Ymir comes into being. Soon the world is full of his children , the giants and trolls. 8:01
3. The other race in the world are the gods, the Aesir. The leader of the gods is Odin (lute). The Aesir want to stop the ungoverned spreading of the giants and trolls, and so Odin kills Ymir. 19:20

4. The gods create the world. Ymir's skull is turned into the sky. His blood becomes the sea, his flesh the earth and his bones the mountains and cliffs. 23:20

Chapter Two

1. The animals in the newly created world learn to walk, swim and fly. . 33:15
2. In order to understand the world better, Odin seeks out the wisest thinker of all: Mimir. 38:10

3. Mimir will not allow Odin to drink from his spring of wisdom; only when Odin tears out one of his eyes and offers it to Mimir is he allowed to drink. 44:07
4. Gullveig sows discontent among the Aesir: according to her, it is only through gold and riches that happiness can be achieved. Odin burns the witch at the stake. 48:59

5.The goddess of love, Freyja, rides in a chariot drawn by two cats; when she wants to fly, she puts on a falcon’s coat. 51:51
6. The witch Gullveig has incited the Wanes against the Aesir. Thor in his flying chariot decides the world’s first battle for the Aesir. 55:37
7. The most beautiful goddess mourns for the many victims of war. 1:04:34

Chapter Three

1. Hugin and Munin. Odin's winged messengers, the ravens Hugin and Munin, fly round the world every day to find news of its happenings. When they return they perch upon Odin's shoulders and report to him. 1:08:18

2. The Norns. These all-knowing women are called Urd, Werdande and Skuld. Odins asks them about the future, but they put off his urgent questions with a smile. 1:14:15
3. Conversations with the Dead. Odin's thirst for knowledge has no bounds, he also wishes to speak with the dead. In order to enter their realm, he pierces himself with a spear and hangs himself in the branches of the ash tree Yggdrasil for nine days and nights. 1:18:16

Chapter Four

1. Heimdallr. Odin fears for the Aesir's power. He needs many warriors. He orders his son, Heimdallr, to go to Midgard, the home of men, and to beget divine children on the women there. 1:28:43
2. Freya's tears. Odin tries to comfort the goddess of love. She is suffering from unrequited love and weeps tears of pure gold. 1:32:47
3. The apples of Idun. Idun is keeper of the the magic apples that give eternal youth. The giant Tjatse abducts Idun and her apples. Loki manages to put things to rights and Tjatse is burnt. 1:38:16
4. Skadi. Tjatse's daughter Skadi wants to take revenge on the gods, but she is willing to make peace under two conditions. Firstly, she wants one of the Aesir for her husband, and secondly, the Aesir have to make her laugh. 1:46:55
5. Women's choice. Skadi is only allowed to see the feet of her candidates. Instead of the most handsome, she chooses Njord, an old widower. The gods cannot control their laughter, while Skadi is enraged. 1:52:54
6. The cock dance. In order to make Skadi laugh Loki strips himself naked. He ties one end of a string to a billygoat's beard and the other to his (Loki's!) cock. The tug-of-war commences. No eye remains dry – and finally Skadi, too, has to laugh. 1:58:15
7. Old love. Odin and Freya at the hearth. 2:01:57

Chapter Five

1. The Valkyries. Tremendous noise: Odin and Thor bid the iron-clad rider goddesses farewell. The valkyries ride over the world’s battlefields, search for the greatest fallen heroes and carry them back to Valhalla on their horses. There they are called back to life and become part of Odin’s undead army. 2:11:51
2. Aegir. The gods visit the sea giant and ask him to let them use his festive hall. „I agree“, Aegir says, „but first you must bring me a cauldron large enough for me to brew all the beer for your celebration all at once.“ An impossible condition! 2:15:46
3. Hyme. The quest for the giant cauldron leads the gods to the wicked giant Hyme. Thor goes fishing with Hyme to calm him. But Thor hooks the Midgard Serpent, which is by now so huge it can circle the world. 2:26:44
4. The Cauldron. Only if Thor can break a magic goblet is he allowed to try his hand at the gigantic cauldron. At the third try Thor succeeds, for Hyme’s wife has whispered to him that he must throw the goblet at the hardest head in the world: Hyme’s! Now Thor drags the cauldron back to Aegir. 2:41:06
5. Rugne. In the meantime Odin has been riding on his eight-legged horse, Sleipnir. After a race against the giant Rugne both of them end up in Asgard. Choleric Thor rages at the unwelcome guest. Thereupon the tipsy Rugne challenges Thor to a duel. 2:47:18

6. Tjalve. Thor’s squire, Tjalve, traps Rugne, so Thor is able to split Rugne’s skull with a single throw of his hammer, Miolnir. One of Rugne’s feet falls on top of Thor and he is caught fast. Only Magni, Thor’s three-day-old son, has the strenght to free his father. 2:55:47



The complete "Winter" of The Lute Calendar is online

70 minutes of music, tablature and lots of "eye candy".

The Lute Calendar is organized in four books: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. On every day of the year a new lute piece awaits you, carefully chosen so the pieces become gradually more difficult – the lute year begins on December 1st with the easiest piece – carefully „made easie“ and beautifully printed in easy-to-read French tablature.

Read more here and get your copy with all four seasons of the Lute Calendar

€ 99.00 + Air Mail € 14.00





John Dowland "Seven Songs and A Galliard"

Last year (2012) we shot this video in Sweden. Melanie danced to the well known songs Come again, Flow my tears, Wilt thou unkind, Fine knacks for ladies, I saw my lade weepe, Come heavy sleepe, In darkness let me dwell as well as a Galliard for two to play upon one lute. In this video you will hear these pieces performed on a theorbo and lute. All arrangements by Stefan. By the way, the place where we made the film belonged to Denmark by that time that John Dowland was employed at the Danish court. After eight years he was dismissed in 1606 after overstaying his leave when he went to England on publishing business.

Watch the Trailer on You Tube

Music DVD € 10.00 + Air Mail € 4.00


The music to the video "Seven Songs and a Galliard"

Newly Set for Theorbo and Lute

by Stefan Olof Lundgren


Table of Contents

DAWN — Op. 35 / Come / Teares / Unkind / Ladies / Sleepe

DARKNESS — Op. 36 / Darkness / Hellish Jarring Sounds

DUOS — Op. 37 / My Lord Chamberlaine, His Galliard / Weepe


€ 20.00 + Air Mail € 4.00



Videos now complete on You Tube:

J.S. Bach "6 Suites a Violoncello Solo" for Theorbo Solo

BWV 1007 / BWV 1008 / BWV 1009 / BWV 1010 / BWV 1011 / BWV 1012



€ 22.00 + Air Mail € 4.00



Seven dances for the moon


All on You Tube:




Melanie Poser, dance / music


Stefan Olof Lundgren, music / music arrangement / theorbo / film





Der Lautenthaler

A tribute to John Dowland

Watch the trailer on You Tube


DVD Video Playtime 80 Min. 16:9

3x bonus: Mellish / Donnas Dance / Ägir

€ 18.00 + Air Mail € 4.00

You prefer bank transfer without credit card? How to do, read here!

Review in Lute Quarterly (USA), fall 2010


Review in Lute News (GB), no. 96, December 2010




DVD Video 20 Min. 16:9




- a fairy tale about a troll island.

In the far north lies a fairy island. It swarms with the shapes of fantasy: thousand-year-old knobbly oaks, windswept contorted pines, silky-soft stones, formed by ice and the eternal waves of the sea. Limestone slabs, broad as a highway, extend along the coast as far as the eye can see. This is the home of our fairy tale: a fairy tale about an elf and a troll.


Watch the trailer in medium quality

Buy the film in good quality: € 9.00 + Air Mail € 4.00


How to order:

Payment should be made in advance. There are two ways of doing this:

  1. Click on the shopping cart that you'll find on the information page for every book and pay online with credit card through PayPal; the fast, free and secure way.
  2. If you feel uncomfortable with online credit card transfers, please, feel free to transfer in € (EUR) to my bank account in Germany: Stefan Lundgren, Stadtsparkasse München, BLZ 701 500 00, account no. 901186916. IBAN: DE43 7015 0000 0901 1869 16. BIC: SSKMDEMM. (This way, however, is a little slower than with PayPal.)
    Contact: stefan.olof.lundgren(at)gmail(dot)com and inform me about your order and the mailing address.




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