mythology + electronic music = GUDASAGA
Part 1. YMIR Part 2. MIMIR Part 3. THE NORNS Part 4. SKADI Part 5. AEGIR Part 6. THOR Part 7. ODIN
All parts on one DVD Audio: € 30.00 + Air Mail: € 4.00 |
The Greatest Giants of All Times: Ymir To get an impression: listen to the following music example in MP3-format. For the Gods – only the best: Play the music on your Hi-Fi equipment! 1. Niflheim: cold, fog and ice. Muspelheim: fire, flames and smoke. 2. In the great chasm separating these two irreconcilable places the giant Ymir comes into being. Soon the world is full of his children , the giants and trolls. Download MP3-example, 1 MB. 3. The other race in the world are the gods, the Aesir. The leader of the gods is Odin (lute). The Aesir want to stop the ungoverned spreading of the giants and trolls, and so Odin kills Ymir. 4. The gods create the world. Ymir's skull is turned into the sky. His blood becomes the sea, his flesh the earth and his bones the mountains and cliffs.
The Wisest Thinker of All: Mimir
To get an impression: listen to the following music example in MP3-format. For the Gods – only the best: Play the music on your Hi-Fi equipment! 1.
The animals in the newly created world learn to walk, swim
and fly. .
The Norns
To get an impression: listen to the following music example in MP3-format. For the Gods – only the best: Play the music on your Hi-Fi equipment! 1.
Hugin and Munin. Odin's winged messengers, the ravens
Hugin and Munin, fly round the world every day to find news of
its happenings. When they return they perch upon Odin's shoulders
and report to him.
Skadi To get an impression: listen to the following music example in MP3-format. For the Gods – only the best: Play the music on your Hi-Fi equipment! 1.
Heimdallr. Odin fears for the Aesir's power. He needs
many warriors. He orders his son, Heimdallr, to go to Midgard,
the home of men, and to beget divine children on the women there.
get an impression: listen to the following music example in
MP3-format. 1. The Valkyries.
Tremendous noise: Odin and Thor bid the iron-clad rider goddesses
farewell. The valkyries ride over the world’s battlefields,
search for the greatest fallen heroes and carry them back
to Valhalla on their horses. There they are called back to
life and become part of Odin’s undead army. THOR To get an impression: listen to the following music example in MP3-format. For the Gods – only the best: Play the music on your Hi-Fi equipment! 1. Loki has turned himself
into a falcon and taunts the giant Geirroed and his two ugly
daughters, Greip and Galp. But then he is taken prisoner and
locked inside a chest for three months. Only once he has promised
to lure Geirroed's bosom enemy Thor into Geirroed's castle
is Loki released. Download
MP3-example, 1 MB. ODIN To get an impression: listen to the following music example in MP3-format.For the Gods – only the best: Play the music on your Hi-Fi equipment! 1. Frigga in her
bath. Hot water is poured into a big wooden tub,
and Frigga is washed and scrubbed by her three maids Fulla,
Hlin and Gnau. She tells tales of her life with Odin.