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Click on these links to get information about the music:

Opera / Duos for Lute and Theorbo / Theorbo Solo /

Music for Two Lutes in G / Sonaten for Solo Lute /

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Op.4 "Six Capriccio" for 13-course Lute (1989)

Op.5 "Ballade No.1" for 13-course Lute (1989)

Op.7 "Der Weg des Einsamen" for Voice, Bass Viol and Theorbo (1990)

Op.12 "24 Studies" for 11-course Lute (1992/93)

Op.14 "Toccata" for two 7-course Lutes (1994)

Op.19 "12 Studies" for 7-course Lute (1996)

Op.27 "Divertimento" for String Orchestra (2000)

Op.27,2 "Toccata and Canto" for Chamber Orechestra

Op.28 "Grasp" Una battaglia musicale (2000)

Bellmansuite nr. 1 for 13-course Lute

Bellmansuite nr. 2 for 13-course Lute



Chamber Opera

Stefan Olof Lundgren
Op. 26 (2000 / 2005)

Frank Legl


Füssener Fassung

Historisches und Erfundenes über das Leben des berühmten Lautenisten Silvius Leopold Weiss.

Im Mittelpunkt steht der Biss in den Daumen des Lautenisten,

der ihm im Jahre 1722 fast die Karriere gekostet hätte.

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Parts for free


Silvius Leopold Weiss — Kammerlautenist in der Dresdner Hofkapelle
Johann Sebastian Bach — Kapellmeister in Cöthen, zu Besuch in Dresden
Francesco Maria Veracini — Violinist am Dresdner Hof
Johann Christian Hoffmann — Hoflautenmacher
Aurora — eine schöne Dame am Dresdner Hof
Haushälterin von Weiss
Ein Schüler von Weiss
Vater des Schülers
Mutter des Schülers
Sopran / Alt / Tenor
Petit — ein dunkel gekleideter Violinist der sich von Weiss nicht genügend protegiert fühlt


Violine IVioline IIBass Viol — Lute (noten) (tablature) — Drum



Stefan Olof Lundgren
Op. 29 (2001)




"Große Oper in 2 bis 5 Akten"


Christian Friedrich Grabbe (1801 - 1836)


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Parts for free


Cid — Tenor / Chimene — Sopran / Fenella — Alt / König — Baß / Ritter /

Morabeten / Mohrenkönige / Adjutanten / Totengräber / Jussuf — Baß

Burgmüller — Baß / Korrektor — Baß / Rellstab — Baß / Gubitz — Tenor / Graf Platen — Tenor /

Meierbeer — Tenor / Friedrich von Raumer — Tenor / Albini — Baß / Ellrich — Baß / Wolfram — Tenor

Zwei Juden — Baß / Zwei Bauernjungs — Sopran / Nachtwächter — Baß / Chor — SATB


2 Flöten (2. auch Piccolo) / Oboe (auch Eng. Horn) / Klarinette in B (auch Baßklarinette in B) /

Fagott / Horn in F / Trompete in Bb / Kornett in Bb / Posaune / Tuba /

Pauken / Große Trommel / Triangel / Holzblock / Becken / Gong / Xylophone / Vibraphone

Akkordeon / Harfe / Violine I / Violine II / Violoncello / Contrabass



Duos for Lute and Theorbo / Chitarrone


Stefan Olof Lundgren

The Curragh of Kildare
Op. 40

Traditional arranged for
Lute in G and Theorbo in A

Degree of difficulty:
Lute 2 / Theorbo 3

Playing time: 3 min.


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Stefan Olof Lundgren

Op. 33

6-course Lute in G and 14-course Theorbo in A

Degree of difficulty:
Lute 2 / Theorbo 4

Playing time: 3 min.


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Stefan Olof Lundgren

Op. 32

6-course Lute in G and 14-course Theorbo in A

Degree of difficulty:
Lute 2 / Theorbo 4

Playing time: 3 min.


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Stefan Olof Lundgren

Lesson / Weepe
Op. 37

A Lute Duo and a Song by John Dowland
Newly set for
6-course Lute in G and 14-course Theorbo in A

Degree of difficulty:
Lute 3 / Theorbo 4

Playing time: 6 min.


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Melanie Poser / Stefan Olof Lundgren

Basse Dance / Basstanz
Op. 34

for 8-course Lute in G and 14-course Theorbo in A

Degree of difficulty: Lute 1 / Theorbo 4

Playing time: 2.30 min.


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Melanie Poser / Stefan Olof Lundgren

Reddes Sonoram (2007)

for 8-course Lute in G and 14-course Theorbo in A

Degree of difficulty: Lute 1-2 / Theorbo 3

Playing time: 10 min.


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Melanie Poser / Stefan Olof Lundgren

Klangprozession und Regenlied (2007)
for 8-course Lute in G and 14-course Theorbo in A

Degree of difficulty: Lute 1—2 / Theorbo 1—2

Playing time: 2.30 min.


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Melanie Poser / Stefan Olof Lundgren

MONDTÄNZE, Op. 42 (2009)
for 8-course Lute in G and 14-course Theorbo in A

Degree of difficulty: Lute 1—2 / Theorbo 1—2

Watch the videos on You Tube where Melanie dances to Stefans electronic arrangements of the Moondances
Mond und Venus / Klopfen / Halo / Hymnus


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Theorbo / Chitarrone Solo


Stefan Olof Lundgren

The Battle
Op. 39 (2008)

for 14-course Theorbo in A

Degree of difficulty: 4

Playing time: 3.30 min.


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Stefan Olof Lundgren

Mr. John Donne, His Prologue
Donna, Her Entrée and Dance

Op. 38 (2008)

for 14-course Theorbo in A

Degree of difficulty: 4

Playing time: 10 min.


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Stefan Olof Lundgren

Op. 11 (1993/2008)

for 14-course Theorbo in A

Degree of difficulty: 2-4

Playing time: 20 min.

This music was used as film music in the music DVD production "Troll Eyes" 2008
For more information about this dance and theorbo DVD, visit this link.


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Stefan Olof Lundgren

Op. 35 (2007)

Five Songs by John Dowland

Come / Teares
Unkind / Ladies

Newly Set for 14-course Theorbo in A

Degree of difficulty: 4

Playing time: 23 min.


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Stefan Olof Lundgren

Hellish Jarring Sounds

Op. 36 (2008)

A Song by John Dowland

Newly Set for 14-Course Theorbo

Degree of difficulty: 4

Playing time: 7 min.


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Music for Two Lutes in G


Melanie Poser

Psalm 139 (2006)
for two 6-course Lutes in G

Degree of difficulty: 2

Playing time: 3.30 min.


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Melanie Poser

Lysmask / Glühwürmchen / Firefly (2006)
for two 6-course Lutes in G

Degree of difficulty: 1—2

Playing time: 2 min.


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Melanie Poser

Erwartung / Expectation (2008)
for two 8-course Lutes in G

Degree of difficulty: 1—2

Playing time: 2 min.


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Sonaten for Solo Lute


Stefan Olof Lundgren

Sonaten für Laute Solo 1-3
Op. 1 (1981-1984)

13-course d-minor Lute


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Stefan Olof Lundgren

Sonate Nr. 4
Op. 2 (1986)

10-course Lute in G


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Stefan Olof Lundgren

Sonate Nr. 5
Op.3 (1988)

13-course d-minor Lute


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Stefan Olof Lundgren

Sonata No. 6
Op. 15 (1994)

Theorbo in A


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Stefan Olof Lundgren

Sonata No. 7
Op. 16 (1994)

7-course Lute in G


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